Keratin Repair & Health Restore Hair Tonic
An extremely effective hair tonic in an an easy to apply spray mechanism that protects hair from urban stressors including excessive heat styling, improves combability and reduces damage from excess force used against hair. The combination of Veg Keratins & Soy Proteins together, repair, protect and nourish your hair. You can even spray after your bath as the light water based texture does not leave hair sticky.
Safe & Responsible

Key Ingredients (each 100 ml contains): Ghrit Kumari (Aloe Barbadensis) 100mg Amla (Embelica Officinalis) 100 mg Jabakusam (Hibiscus Rosasinensis) 100 mg Adrak (Zingiber Officinale) 100 mg Neem (Azadirachta Indica) 100 mg Methi (Trigonella Foenum) 150 mg Other Excipients: Veg Keratins, Veg Soy Proteins