Navigating Urban Skin and Hair Woes with Detoxie
Navigating Urban Skin and Hair Woes with Detoxie
Amidst the fast-paced rhythm of city life, caring for our skin and hair sometimes falls by the wayside. The demanding hours of work, encroaching pol...
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Dark circles beneath the eyes are a worry for women of all ages. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments available, ranging from brightening eye lotions and serums to vitamin-infused concealers....
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Face Toner For Pore Tightening And Glowing Skin
Facial toners appear to be nothing more than colored water packed in a minimal container. Furthermore, typical toners can hurt when applied, which can't be beneficial for your skin. While it may ap...
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Come Collaborate - An Opportunity To Feature in Our Videos
First things first. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for making Detoxie such a loved brand. We've always wanted to be a company that can help as many people as possible. While skincare is an area where...
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डिटॉक्सी - प्रदूषण विरोधी तथा तनाव विरोधी त्वचा की देखभाल उत्पाद
गुणवत्ता जब सबसे ज्यादा मायने रखती है तो डिटॉक्सी उत्पाद हमेशा सबसे ऊपर होते हैं। डिटॉक्सी व्यस्त शहरी जीवन के लिए सर्वोत्तम सामग्री के साथ उत्पादन प्राप्त कराता है। उत्पादनो की गुणवत्ता अलग-अलग ...
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Face Wash For Oily Skin
Oily skin is like back pain after 30. Everybody and their dog complaints of it.
The fact of the matter is that our skin is lined with tiny sebaceous glands that constantly produce oil, called sebum...
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Hair Products For Hard Water
In all the woes of environmental exposure, hard water’s role is often ignored. The fact is a place with no pollutants can also have hard water supply.
What is ‘hard’ water?
Hard water is the common...
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Monsoon Hair Care
Hair care must not be stagnant. It should be ever growing and ever changing Your hair and skin have different needs in different types of environments. Come monsoon, the air is high in humidity wi...
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Packing a punch with a Face Pack
If there’s anything that can give you an instant glow along with a little rejuvenation - then it has to be a face pack. But the question is, what’s a good face pack and how do you decide which one ...
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